Reasons why you should use a Lead Magnet?

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Why you should use a Lead Magnet?

Hey Entrepreneur/Business Owner, what is the one, most important thing you want for your business? If your answer is to grow your business by attracting new clients and customers on a regular basis, then you got it. You must continuously attract the ideal client to your business and you have to figure out the best way to do that in order to maintain a stable consistent income. In reality, knowing what to do is a long way from actually executing it, but with a little hard work and determination, you can put your plans into action.

The bottom line is you need to make your business visible and there are several ways of doing just that. You can pay for online or offline ads, hand out flyers, and send out direct mail or emails. These forms of advertisement do work, but in today’s world, with so much competition, and the consumer having several options, you have to stand out from the crowd so your customers can differentiate your products from the rest. The average consumer is Human, and as Human Beings, we have a  very short attention span. In fact, research suggests that the attention span of the average human being is about 8 secs.

To succeed in spite of all odds, you have to be creative, you should not only seek to attract your audience so they stop and pay attention to you but you have to figure out a way to connect with them, so you can keep talking to them over and over again. One way you can do this is by using a Lead Magnet. A Lead Magnet is something you offer to your subscriber in exchange for a visit to your retail store, website or to join your email list.

Here is how it works, let’s say you add a new product to your inventory and you start to let the public know about it. Initially, some people who hear of it may be skeptical about trying the product even when it is great and good for them. Now, you would not give up on the product, because not many people are on board, so now you have to think of a way to convince people to purchase the item.

Here is what you can do. Set up a sample station, get the product and display it in little samples, then invite people to try a sample. If you are an author or coach, and you have a new book or course you would like to sell, you can place an ad offering excerpts of your book for free when they sign up to your subscriber list. Using a Lead Magnet may look like too much of a hassle or added cost but there are some benefits to using one.

You can use a Lead Magnet as a Placeholder to build you Marketing Plan around.

Let’s say, you create a new product or service, you may want to conduct a test to see the market’s reaction to your product. You can use your Lead Magnet to test the market. If your Lead Magnet can succeed, your marketing plan may succeed as well.

Lead Magnets gets Results and can Double Conversion rate for Opt-in.

If you are trying to build an email list, you can use a Lead Magnet as something to attract people to your email list. Offer a free gift, discount or coupon for signing up to your email list. This method has been proven to increase conversions and email signups.

Lead Magnets builds trust.

Lead Magnets gives your potential subscribers a reason to believe in you. Seeing is believing if your customers can get a chance to try out your product and form an opinion about your products themselves, there is a good chance they would believe what you say about your product.

It creates an opportunity to Engage with your Audience and you can get to know them better.

Engagement leads to connection. The more you hear from your customer about their needs, the easier it would be for you to meet their needs.

Lead magnets can be beneficial to your business if you want to attract new customers and grow your business. Take time out to think about ways you can incorporate Lead Magnets into your Marketing Portfolio.

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