Entrepreneur 101: I got an idea, now what?

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And so the journey begins; you get this idea to create a one of a kind product, you convince yourself that this product will solve a whole lot of problems, and make you really wealthy. Sounds familiar? An idea is one thing, but embarking on the journey of making your idea take flight is a whole different ball game. For many people, the thought of leaving a consistent income to start a new business can be scary and nerve-racking and agreeably so, but, people have gone through the entrepreneurial experience, and they say it is worth it.


There are a lot of reasons why people go into entrepreneurship. If you do not like the regular 9-5 lifestyle and want to work on their own terms, then maybe entrepreneurship is for you. People get fired from their jobs or have a bad experience in the traditional workplace and this gives them the push to figure out their dreams and strive to pursue it, while others have to stay home with family. Irrespective of the reason why you decide to become an entrepreneur, you must set goals, write them down and review them from time to time to keep yourself grounded.


Entrepreneurship is not bliss, it is a journey of ups and downs, and it does not matter what caused you to choose this lifestyle, starting off on the right foot can really help you keep the momentum going throughout the entire journey. Here is what you can do to start off on the right foot.



We all love a good party don’t we, there is never a good time or better way to start your entrepreneurship journey than with a celebration. A great idea is a good thing and is worth celebrating, not everybody has the guts or opportunity to do what you want to do. Celebrating your idea does not have to be elaborate, it could be a party of 3, 4, 5 whatever you can do, make it memorable, make sure it is something you would remember, because trust me, it may be a while till you do find a reason to do this again.


Write a Business Plan.

The next thing to do is to plan your business, there is a saying that if you fail to plan, you plan to fail. Get your pen and paper, tablet or laptop and start writing, write down everything you want your business to look like, your product(s), product names, the personality you would like your business to embody, what you want to accomplish, how you would like to shape the world, how you would handle marketing and how much would you like to make. There is nothing that too inconsequential to include, and you should review and make changes to your business plan when necessary.


Get to work.

Ever hear the term wantrepreneur? They are people who tell the whole world about this wonderful idea but never sit down to bring these ideas to life. Entrepreneurs are not like that, so get working, start creating your product or service, when you create the product, test it, make sure that the product works exactly the way it has been designed to work.


Grow your Community.

One good way to promote your product is by talking about it, give people snippets of what your product can do and get their opinion. Spend time to engage with people who you think would be the best customers for your products. Social media is a great place to do this. You want to start to create demand for your product early in the product creation process.


Stay Positive.

It really can be discouraging when things don’t go the way we plan. The fact of life is that things don’t always go the way we plan or imagine it would, the people who are successful are the ones who pick themselves up after a failure or defeat and carry on. You must stay strong and stay positive all through your journey to succeed.

Stay Positive, Stay Inspired.


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