Blogging 101: Reasons to Blog.

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Why I Blog

There are a lot of blogs on the internet. According to WpViruoso,

There are over 152 million blogs on the internet.

A new blog is created in the world ever half second, which translates to 172,800 blogs per day.

Blogs have become an integral part of our lives, they can influence our decisions and even purchases.

A lot of people read blogs more than once a day. Businesses that blog at least 20 times per month are more likely to generate 5 times more traffic than businesses that don’t blog at all.

These mind-blowing stats make me wonder, why in the world, is there so much hype around blogging.

Blogging has indeed come a long way since the mid-1990’s when people used blogs as a journal, where they wrote about events in their lives on a daily basis. Companies that had a “What’s New” page on their website, where their fans and customers could get to know about upcoming changes and events, decided to create a blog page on their website for that purpose.

Now people create blogs to share their knowledge, show their expertise and make money from them in the process. Here are some reasons why people Blog.

Extend Your Business

A blog can serve as a safe extension for your business, it is an avenue that is totally controlled by you. If you create your blog on the right platform, you have total control of everything you do without fearing that you would get shut down. You are also totally in control of what your guests do on your site. If you use a Social Media site like Facebook, they own your business page and they can shut it down when you do anything that is against their policies.

Make a Difference

To help people. Do you dream of making a difference in the world? Blogging is a way to do just that. When you post on a blog, Get Paid!you are sharing your knowledge and expertise with people who need it. That changes lives.

Experts Needed!

Stay knowledgeable and relevant in your field. Experts are highly sought after because of their knowledge and expertise. With blogging, you not only position yourself as an expert, but you stay relevant in your field.


Grow your network. When you blog and create useful content that impresses people would like it and comment on your posts. You start to build relationships with people, who ask for your help. You also meet people who would help promote you and your services as well. I call that a win-win.

Get Paid!

Get paid for your knowledge. The world is always looking for the next best thing or the next greatest idea. If you have a good idea, you can package it and make good money to supplement your income.

I hope we have given you enough reasons to start your blog. If you have a website, add a Blog page to your website.


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