5 Steps you can take Today to Grow your Email List…

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Let’s face it, if you run a business, you are in it not only because you enjoy or love what you do, but also to make money. If making money were as easy as having an idea, there would be more wealthy people in the world today. However, for your business to succeed, you must put your idea on paper and take action. Create a step by step plan to accomplish your goals, follow through with your plans and when you are done, you have a product.

Now, when you create an awesome product, you would need to show it to the world. A product is of no good if no one knows it exists. You have to put yourself out there so people know about you and what you have to offer. You have to reach out to find and connect with your ideal client base, gain their trust and following, and you also have to offer a way for your clients to connect with you and keep them engaged. The best way to get this done and have it work effectively is creating a system that enables you to create and save a list of your client’s contacts preferably their email addresses.

Here are some feasible steps to take to reach out to your ideal client and grow your list.

  1. Add a squeeze page to your website. A squeeze page is a type of landing page, used to capture emails from visitors to your website. The purpose of this page is to “squeeze” the visitor into giving you their email addresses. You can offer an incentive to get visitors to give you their emails, like a free gift or coupon, in return for the email address. The squeeze page is placed on the home page of your website using a plug in or by typing some code. When a visitor goes to your site, the squeeze page comes up, offering them a freebie when they give their email address. Adding a squeeze page has been proven to increase signups to your list. You can create a squeeze page uses a web service like an Email Service Provider or install a plug in from Popup ally or Optin Monster.
  1. Offer an incentive for signing up on your list. As the saying goes, you have to give something to get something. Some people may feel uneasy giving out their email address, for fear of getting exposed to unwanted offers, but when you offer them a guide, coupon or eBook, there is a higher chance that they would agree to subscribe to your list. When you add a squeeze page, add a freebie like an eBook, report, video training sessions, or a challenge.
  1. Advertise on Social Media. On the 24th of August 2016, Facebook marked a big milestone, 1 billion users logged into their Facebook page in 1 day. A recent statistic shows that most people check their social media pages 14 times a day on the average, needless to say, social media is the platform to reach a lot of people. Most social media platforms give users the opportunity to advertise their businesses, even Instagram would soon start selling ads space on their platform. Advertising on Social Media is a very good way to find and reach out to potential customers.
  1. Using Google AdWords. Before Facebook ads, there was Google AdWords. Google is the number one search engine in the world, you can search for almost any information on Google. When a user searches for a topic let’s say a person who is interested in learning more about the Mediterranean diet, the user logs on to Google and enters the subject matter in the search area and initiates a search. A list of websites comes up where the user can find the information they need. For your website to come up frequently on searches, website owners’ sign up for Google pay-per-click advertising, when a person clicks the website, Google charges the website owner a fee. This provides the user with the information they need and increases traffic and sales to the website owner.
  1. Add a signup button to your newsletter and blog post. One great thing about having your own website or blog is that you can have almost anything you like on your webpage without any restrictions. In most cases, users may come to know about your website from a blog post or newsletter, so adding a signup button to your blogpost or newsletter can help you gain a new signup every time someone comes in contact with your content.

Remember your list is one of your greatest assets, growing and managing your list would help your business grow.

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